Master of Advanced Studies
in Humanitarian Logistics and Management


Chris Liswaniso Leading Zambia Mosquito Net Distribution

July 22, 2014

MASHLM 05 student Chris Liswaniso is a key member of the WFP team delivering mosquito nets in Zambia on behalf of the Global Fund.  Chris credits the MASHLM program for helping to make this project such a success:

 ... the Zambian mosquito net project has received a lot of attention within WFP, UNDP and the Global Fund, mainly because of the way the distribution was done given the short delivery period. I was one of the lead staff involved in the planning and design of the project and am proud to mention that MASHLM courses played a key role in helping me and team in decision making and indeed the application of supply chain and transportation management concepts I learnt at USI. As am writing to you we are at 94% delivery rate. This has really made me proud to be part of MASHLM and I owe this success story entirely on this program. The program (MASHLM) has really boosted my professional “image”within WFP.

Chris is also cited in WFP's Logistics Bulletin lead story on the Zambia project.


WFP Bulletin May 2014 (PDF 924.92 KB)