Master of Advanced Studies
in Humanitarian Logistics and Management


News 2013

Juliet Bvekwa
MASHLM 04 Graduation Thoughts
December 13, 2013

I feel awesome,I feel alive...

Conference keynote speakers
October 7, 2013

Ambassador Manuel Bessler, SDC, and Cornelia M. Lenneberg, WVI, will give the keynote addressess at Actions for Humanitarian Impact.

Innovation, Capacity Building and Coordination/Partnership
October 7, 2013

As part of the Actions for Humanitarian Impact conference, MASHLM will host a one day seminar with discussions led by experts in the humanitarian sector.

Power and Politics
July 13, 2013

Professor Dan Moshavi conducted a workshop in Lugano this weekend on 0rganizational Power and Politics. 

Best Paper Competition Finalists
April 23, 2013

Stochastic Optimization of Humanitarian Aid Supply and Distribution for the WFP in Ethiopia is one of four finalists in 2013 Best Paper competition 

mashlm graduates
MASHLM Graduates on the Move
April 12, 2013

Arthur Ochieng Kawino and Ibrahim Mansaray, are reporting successful career moves since graduating from MASHLM.

MASHLM graduate giving MEDAIR presentation
Medair Presentation
April 12, 2013

MASHLM 02 graduate Alberto Livoni briefed the MASHLM 04 & 05 classes about the MEDAIR aid agency.

Paulo Gonçalves - Swiss Enterpreuner 2013
April 8, 2013

Prof. Paulo Gonçalves has been selected by Venturelab as one of  the best Swiss entrepreneurs for 2013.

Best Thesis Award in Humanitarian Logistics
March 4, 2013

MASHLM graduate Rose van Steijn won the HUMLOG Institute award for best masters thesis in humanitarian logistics.

MASHLM January session
January 21, 2013

New classes begin for MASHLM 04 and 05

MASHLM 05 class, prof Paulo Goncalves, Brad Morrison
MASHLM 05 kick off
January 20, 2013

MASHLM 05 welcomes new students